Friday, March 7, 2008

A New Kind Of Politics, Eh?

From The Scotsman
Senior Obama advisor had this to say to a foreign paper:

"We f***** up in Ohio," she admitted. "In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio's the only place they can win.

"She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything," Ms Power said, hastily trying to withdraw her remark.

Ms Power said of the Clinton campaign: "Here, it looks like desperation. I hope it looks like desperation there, too.

"You just look at her and think, 'Ergh'. But if you are poor and she is telling you some story about how Obama is going to take your job away, maybe it will be more effective. The amount of deceit she has put forward is really unattractive."

Oh Obama! What happened to being above it all? A new hope? Nahhh forget all that.. your opponent is "monster"! but shhh..

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