Monday, May 19, 2008

Fractured Fairy Tales

Also brought to you by GeekLove and IndyRobin of Shut The Freud Up...

Sexism, Not As Bad As Racism

Brought to you and borrowed by GeekLove of Shut The Freud Up...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Its More Difficult

With MSNBC, Time magazine, CNN, and the rest of the mainstream media joining forces in proclaiming Hillary's candidacy "damaging" and "over" I feel less and less like a liberal American. While it certainly makes it more difficult for Hillary to get the nomination at this point (and to what extent the media's role has damaged her candidacy we'll never know) Hillary still has every right to soldier on.
2025 is the number of delegates needed to gain the nomination guys! NOT whoever is closer to 2025 :)

Those pesky rules are so annoying !